MTV Dark Scroll is an Indian paranormal reality show that takes viewers on a thrilling journey into the unknown. The show follows a group of contestants as they investigate some of the most haunted locations in Uttarakhand, India. Here’s How to Watch MTV Dark Scroll Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3 and more Upcoming Episode on MTV India and Jiocinema.
The show explores seven of the most infamous haunted sites in the region. Nine brave individuals, dubbed “Seekers,” participate in the show. The contestants are guided by paranormal experts who provide insights and support.
Angel 20 Jaipur
Anubhuti 20 —
Aryan 19 Noida
Kartik — Dehradun
Mian — —
Paarth 21 Mumbai
Sahil 24 Dehradun
Sasa 21 Mumbai
Swati 22 Sonipat
The Seekers face various paranormal challenges and encounters. The show utilizes advanced equipment like infrared cameras and electromagnetic field meters to capture evidence of paranormal activity.
Essentially, MTV Dark Scroll aims to blur the lines between reality and the supernatural, providing viewers with a spine-chilling experience. MTV Dark Scroll airs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7 PM on MTV India and JioCinema Platform.