This is the First Bonfire Night among Temptation Island India Contestants where 4 Girls of Couple who Entered in a Pair named Nikita Bhamidipati, Chestha Bhagat, Chetna Pande and Nidhi Kumar seeing real side of their Partners in a Villa. Yes, Girls Shocked knowing the dirty Truth of their Partner in a Villa. How they are coming very close to other girls even if they are in real life relationship. Here is everything you wants to know about Temptation Island India Episode 9 of 11th November 2023.
These 4 Couples were in relationship from several years and they are here to Test their Love and Loyalty with each other. So, Bonfire Night is a no secrets zone. Girls faces their Partners’ intimate moments in a show. Hosts Karan Kundra and Mouni Roy showing real side of boys to the girls. Those 4 Girls watch their Partner’s Video to see what they are doing with other Girls in a Villa.
Nikita sees her Boyfriend Tayne is coming close to other Girls in Villa and says, “I Feel very Bad” and started Crying.
Nidhi Kumar shocked Seeing Real Side of her Partner Mohak, as he is forming intimate relationship with other Single girls in a villa. Seeing that Nidhi started crying. Host Mouni Roy suggested Nidhi to take their Marriage decision wisely after seeing it.
Also, Chetna Pande and Chestha shocked seeing Unseen Side of Nishank Swami and Arjun Aneja respectively.
Host Karan Kundra also advised Girs to take decision based on what is needed and don’t blindfold yourself.
So, after seeing the First Bonfire Night, it looks Relationships of these couple are in Real Trouble. Will their love remain intact even after seeing all this or will they move away from each other or will the story of love and intimacy take a new turn on Temptation Island? To See what happens next you have to watch Temptation Island India everyday 8 PM on JioCinema for Free.