“Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned” is a Korean manhwa that tells the story of a young woman named Rosellin, who is framed for a crime she didn’t commit and is forced to flee her homeland. She is eventually captured by the enemy general, Tamon Krasis, who takes her prisoner.
Rosellin is initially terrified of Tamon, but she eventually comes to realize that he is not the cruel and heartless man she thought he was. Tamon is kind to her and protects her from harm, and Rosellin begins to develop feelings for him.
However, Rosellin’s past is still catching up with her, and she is soon forced to confront the truth about her past. She realizes that she must make a choice: stay with Tamon and risk being captured by her enemies, or return to her homeland and face the consequences of her actions.
Where to Read in English?
“Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned” is a well-written and engaging manhwa that will keep you guessing until the very end. The story is full of twists and turns, and the characters are complex and well-developed. I highly recommend this manhwa to anyone who enjoys a good romance with a touch of suspense.
This Novel is Translated in English by Many Fans and Here we brings to you Website, where you can read Bitten by the Dog i Abandoned Novel English Version online. You can Start Reading this Manhwa from Chapter 1 and continue reading, New Chapters are Updated here more frequently.
Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned Manhwa – Read Online (English)
Novel Title – Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned
Type – Manhwa
Author – Gimda
Original Publisher – Daum, Kakao
Serialized In (magazine) – KakaoPage (Kakao), Kakao Webtoon (Daum)
Hope you liked Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned Novel from the author Gimda. Its originally Published by Kakaopage and Kakao Webtoon.