Prime Minister Narendramodi launched PM ‘pm vishwakarma kaushal samman yojana’ today 17th September 2023 on his birthday. This Yojana will help support to traditional artisans & craftspeople for scaling up their Conventional products and services. This PM Vishvakarma Yojana 2023 is also known as PM Vishwakarma kaushal Samman Yojana which is named after Lord Vishwakarma, the Hindu God of Creation and Craftsmanship.
The Main Objective of this PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023 is to enable the recognition of artisans & craftspeople as Vishwakarma. To Provide Skill upgradation to hone their skills and make relevant and suitable training opportunity to them. Under this Yojana Govt. will provide Support to them for better modern tools to enhance their capability, productivity and quality of products. Also, Government will provide Market linkages and branding support to help them reach a wider audience and sell their produces at better prices.
So, Under this pm vishwakarma yojana 2023 Scheme, a Provision has been made to Spend Rs 13 Thousand Crore from Financial Year 2023-2024 to 2027-28. So, more than 13 lakh traditional artisans and craftspeople will get benefit from it. Also, Govt will provide Toolkit incentive of Rs 15,000 to the beneficiaries.
Eligibility Criteria
- An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools and engaged in one of the 18 family-based traditional trades mentioned in the scheme, in unorganized sector on self-employment basis, shall be eligible for registration under PM Vishwakarma.
- The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.
- The beneficiary should be engaged in the concerned trade on the date of registration and should not have availed loans under similar credit-based schemes of Central Government or State Government for self-employment/ business development, e.g. PMEGP, PM SVANidhi, Mudra, in the past 5 years.
- The registration and benefits under the Scheme shall be restricted to one member of the family. For availing benefits under the Scheme, a ‘family’ is defined as consisting of the husband, wife and unmarried children.
- A person in government service and their family members shall not be eligible under the Scheme.
So, Wo Will get Benefit of PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023?
See the list of below Profession or talent can get benefit of PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana 2023.
- Barber
- rosary
- Washerman
- Tailor
- locksmith
- carpenter
- Blacksmith
- Goldsmith
- Raj Mistri
- gunsmith
- sculptors, stone carvers
- stone breakers
- cobbler/shoemaker
- boat builders
- basket/mat/broom makers
- doll and toy makers
- hammer and toolkit makers
- fishing net makers
PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023 Registration Link | How to Apply?
If you are facing difficulties to do Registration for PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023, Follow the Steps below to get your Registration Easy. The PM Vishwakarma scheme is a holistic scheme and envisages to provide end-to-end support to the artisans and craftspeople in scaling up of their products and services and professional well-being.
These are the Simple Steps you Need to Follow for your Successful Registration for PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana 2023.
Step 1:
Mobile and Aadhaar Verification
Do your mobile authentication and Aadhaar EKYC
Step 2:
Artisan Registration Form
Apply for the registration form.
Step 3:
PM Vishwakarma Certificate
Download the PM Vishwakarma Digital ID and Certificate
Step 4:
Apply for scheme components
Start Applying for different Components
You can Follow below mentioned step by step guide for PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023 Registration Online.
- Visit PM Vishwakarma Yojana Official Portal –
- Register using your mobile number and Aadhar Card
- Verify your Mobile Number and Aadhar Card through OTP Authentication.
- Fill in the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration Form with your details, including Name, Address, and Trade-related Information.
- Submit the Registration Form.
- Download the PM Vishwakarma Digital ID and Certificate for future reference
- Log in to the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Portal to apply for different scheme components
- Upload the required documents. Submit the Application Form for consideration.
- Officials will verify the received applications.
- Collateral-Free Loan under PM Vishwakarma Yojana will be disbursed with the help of Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, and Other Financial Institutions.
Note – Artists and Craftspeople can also register and apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana at their nearest Common Service Center or CSC Center. The Government of India is planning to develop a PM Vishwakarma Yojana Mobile App for registration.
Benefits of Scheme | PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023
Have a look at benefits of PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023
- Loan up to Rs. 1,00,000/- at 5% Interest Rate in the 1st Phase
- Loan up to Rs. 2,00,000/- at 5% Interest Rate in the 2nd Phase
- Skill Training provided
- Stipend of Rs. 500/- per day during Training Period
- Rs. 15,000/- provided to Purchase Advance Tool Kit
- PM Vishwakarma Certificate and Identity Card provided
- 1st phase loan tenure: 18 months
- 2nd phase loan tenure: 30 months
- Incentive of Rs. 1/- per Digital Transaction
Which are the Documents Required for PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023 Registration?
You need to Have required documents like Aadhar card, identity card, Address proof, mobile number, caste certificate, bank account passbook, passport size photo during online registration process.
What is the Official Website URL of PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023?
The Official website to Apply for PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana is
What is the Last Date to Apply or Register for pm vishwakarma yojana 2023 Registration?
This Scheme is long run from 2023 to 2028, so you can get benefit of it anytime. You can Register Online and get benefits anytime.
What is the Login URL of PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2023 CSC Login
For Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises PM Vishwakarma Login URL is