The story revolves around Althaia, a young woman who has been shielded from the dark world of the mafia her entire life. However, fate intervenes when she attends her cousin’s engagement party and encounters Damiano Bellavia, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss. Drawn to each other’s worlds, Althaia and Damiano embark on a passionate but dangerous relationship. They navigate a world of gunfights, murder, family secrets, and hidden agendas, all while questioning the true nature of their love.
Althaia Sheltered and innocent, she is thrust into the dangerous world of the mafia after meeting Damiano. Damiano Bellavia is A ruthless and powerful mafia boss with a hidden vulnerability. The novel features a cast of colorful characters, including mafia families, rivals, and allies. “The Devil’s Fire” falls into the mafia romance genre, blending elements of love, suspense, and danger.
Readers seem to enjoy the novel, praising its fast-paced plot, passionate romance, and intriguing characters. However, some mention the presence of mature themes and violence, which might not be suitable for all audiences.
Title: The Devil’s Fire
Author: Mariam El-Hafi
Genre: Billionaire/CEO
Publisher: AlphaNovel | GoodNovel
The Devil’s Fire Novel –
If you’re looking for a steamy mafia romance with a touch of danger, “The Devil’s Fire” might be worth checking out. Just keep in mind the mature themes and the fact that it’s currently only available online through paid platforms.